Scheduled Delivery and Alerts Keep Your Team Up-to-date
Automate insights for business users
Scheduled Delivery
Scheduled Delivery allows business users to schedule personalized reports for automatic delivery directly to their inboxes as PDFs or JPG files.
The scheduled delivery functionality allows users to include multiple dashboards.
They can also control frequency, time and timezone and schedule reports so they can be sent to multiple email Ids.

Scheduled Delivery

Scheduled Delivery allows business users to schedule personalized reports for automatic delivery directly to their inboxes as PDFs or JPG files.
The scheduled delivery functionality allows users to include multiple dashboards.
They can also control frequency, time and timezone and schedule reports so they can be sent to multiple email Ids.

Data-Based Alerts
bipp’s data-based alerts speed up decision-making by sending email notifications to key people. Alerts are generated once defined thresholds are met or changes occur in reports or dashboard screens.
Alerts may be configured by title, frequency, schedule and recipients. They can also include a file attachment with data from the report.
Data-Based Alerts

bipp’s data-based alerts speed up decision-making by sending email notifications to key people. Alerts are generated once defined thresholds are met or changes occur in reports or dashboard screens.
Alerts may be configured by title, frequency, schedule and recipients. They can also include a file attachment with data from the report.
Keep Your Team Up-to-date!
bipp’s Scheduled Delivery and Alerts keep your business users informed. Want to learn more?