bipp Professional Services
Expert advice and support saves you time
bipp’s Experts Join Your Team
Consulting and implementation services
Implementation and support services
Unlike other BI platforms, we grew up solving large enterprise BI challenges. We’ve learned that having an expert team is critical. We know how complex, dispersed global organizations work, and can help you quickly and seamlessly build, deploy and optimize your BI solution.
bipp premium customers are guaranteed 20 hours support each year, so bipp’s best brains are never far away. This helps you show bipp’s benefits faster. Our team built bipp, and have years of experience helping large and small businesses avoid teething problems.
bipp QuickStart support helps you with:
- Guidance and support for connecting the datasource with bipp
- Reviewing current database schema and help with data model specification in the bippLang data modeling language
- Helping map specific problems to 'how-tos' in bippLang
- Supporting dashboard development
Your dedicated customer support manager will partner with your team to make sure you’re getting the most from your bipp investment.This team ensures the best application of bipp technology for your project. They’re responsible for strategic guidance as well as designing, developing, testing and deploying applications.
Depending on your project needs, we’ll help you with architecture and set up including DB architecture guidance, on-premises deployment and configuration, and installation and load balancing. We’ll also develop and optimize your reusable bippLang data models. These can be used by the entire company, ensuring everyone is using the same language to represent KPIs and data.
bipp Training
While we think you’ll figure out bipp pretty quickly, it’s always good to know help is on hand when you need it. Whether you’re starting out and need a boost - or want to improve your BI and analytics skills - bipp offers a range of remote training courses for all skill levels. They include:
- Foundation training
- Data Developer training
- Advanced Data Developer training
- Business User training
- Data Explorer training
bipp is a business intelligence platform built for data analysts from the ground up. If you’re looking for a modern, enterprise-grade, in-database BI platform, click here...