Meet the bippers
Here we go..
bipp isn’t your typical startup. Because bippers aren’t your typical techies. We’re bikers, mountain climbers, aerial yoga enthusiasts, fitness freaks, dancers and photographers. And we’re also coders, SQL heads, analysts, engineers, designers, marketers…and expert plate-spinners. bippers take on big challenges and have fun while they’re doing it.
Let’s meet the bippers (and hover over our pics for more…)

Sometimes there’s a monkey on my back.

Crazy things that kids make you do.

I like the trees

Western Ghats + After rain = Heaven

Literally and figuratively, the high point of my 600km trek in Dolpo.

Nature is pleased with simplicity

Travelling to new places helps me to rediscover myself

Happiness comes in waves, early morning mangalore beach.

Keep experimenting...

I like adventure sports. It teaches us to be free and overcome our fears.

Can't avoid Music & Engineering.

Select Fun from Bhangda

2B || !2B == 1

Being with nature, searching myself

An idea is a seed. Winning is good.

It's an amazing feeling when you are upside down on the hammock. Aerial yoga keeps me calm and stress-free

This is the closest I have ever been, in becoming a Texas Representative.

Healthy is the new Happy!!, Working out in the morning is a great way to start my day.

Travelling the world is my passion. Life is all about the adventures! Just learn how to ski.

The experience was awesome. Also, can't miss the symmetry.

Finding a clean lake in Bangalore

Me working without sleep for 2 nights & 2 days on another's thesis project. Saved lives :D

Exploring, making memories and constantly searching for views that take my breath away, make me the happiest!

Whenever I rev the throttle of my bike, my heart beats with the thump of the engine! and that feeling puts me top of the world!

Enjoying sunset with friends (not in the image)

Enjoying the freedom of the open road and feeling liberated.

In my happy place with bagels and coffee...

Reprising Kamehameha attack of Goku from Dragon Ball with a Snow Ball in Gangtok

Journey is more important than the destination

Take more chances, dance more dances :) A still from my first contemporary performance.